Our worship team, usually consisting of a guitar, keyboard, and 3 vocalists, leads us in a blend of contemporary and traditional songs. The congregation is invited to stand and sing as they feel comfortable, and you'll probably see a few people raising their hands in worship. The lyrics to each worship song are printed in the weekly bulletin, which will be given to you when you enter the Sanctuary.
Each week, 4 passages from the Bible are read aloud: an Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading, a reading from the Psalms, and a reading from one of the 4 Gospels. These passages follow a three-year cycle of scripture readings called the Lectionary and are read by churches across the globe.
We are a liturgical Anglican church, meaning that we worship using a set pattern of prayers and readings designed to help everyone access and enter into a spirit of worship. These words have been spoken by believers for thousands of years, and we believe there is power in that tradition. Congregational prayers and responses are marked in bold in the weekly bulletin.
We take communion every Sunday. We believe this is an integral part of our relationship to Jesus and an important response to the songs, scriptures, sermon, and time of confession that preceeds Communion each week. In the Anglican tradition, Communion is open to every baptized Christian, no matter the denomination in which they were baptized. As long as you have confessed that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, you are welcome at our Communion table. We give simple instructions for Communion every Sunday.
There is a time during our service where our congregation is presented with the opportunity to pray silently or out loud for our community, our church, and the world. Our priests are always available after our service to pray with individuals or families, or you can write a prayer request on a visitor card or on the back page of your bulletin and place it in the offering basket in the first pews for the priests to pray for you throughout the week.
Our church family greatly believes in fostering connections with others. After each service, all are welcome to join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and yummy goodies made by our hospitality team.